After much stress and plenty of coding headaches, DAB has finally launched its website!
DAB has already been met with plenty of interest from prospective clients, not only in the document digitisation side of things but the photographic restoration as well. Many clubs have prized and treasured photos hanging on their walls which have been met with water damage, sun damage or even condensation within the frame, allowing the silver gelatine to start to rot away. Its often heartbreaking to see these images in this condition as often, their owners have all but accepted their fate. This is of course no fault of theirs. Photographic restoration is not something that is thought about, or even considered, based on ideas of costs involved. Often, people believe that the damage to their photo is so extreme, repair would cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Some people take advantage of this as well, gouging the clients who are willing to pay the high costs. My rates are fair, and with my 14 years experience in a range of different roles, all involving Photoshop techniques that often go unnoticed, ranging from the Fashion and Beauty industries, and even into the Real Estate and Product Photography industries, my skills are sharp, accurate and fast. I have specialist tools that allow me to repair photos at high volume, but maintaining the accuracy required to ensure that your precious memories remain true to their original condition.
After all of the talk about photographic restoration, you may notice that there is a lack of imagery on this site. Imagery will be added as we go, as I would require client’s permission to post anything from an actual shoot, however there is plenty of info included on the site to help understand what DAB does, and how we can help you. If you have any further questions that are not covered on this site, please use the Contact page to send it through to me, and I will be happy to reply.